Brainstorm matrix

The content from this brainstorm session gives an impression of the various applications my project team and I came up with when combining user problems with new technologies. The technology-domain matrix was used to identify user problems and generate ideas to solve the problem with emerging technologies. The matrix allows you to think from a human-centered perspective, while also allowing you to think creatively about new purposes for technology.



Augmented reality Haptic feedback Hologram Remote controlled object
Theme park Themed rollercoaster with more interactive decorations Show visually impaired people the way with the use of touch Entertain people with holograms at the waiting line to enhance their feeling of wonder Control an object while the user is waiting in line or Control the rides themselves
Zoo Seeing an animal up close Allow people to pet the animals over distance Have virtual animals walk around near the visitors Control an object to play and interact with the animals. Also feeding using remote control objects
Children’s hospital Make a social companion to help reduce the children’s anxiety for the hospital Feeling the touch of loved once when a child is stuck in the bed for a long time Fun holograms to distract the children from the pain and anxiety Use a robot to treat children. Robots appear “cooler” and reduce the likelihood of spreading diseases
Furniture store Helping to find the right appliances in the store with a personalized map Experiencing the object before buying Seeing the object that is in a box as a hologram Use controllable machines (hands, drones or carts) to reach and carry items

Use cases

Interactive animal toys

  • A remote-controlled toys can help to raise awareness about the wild animals’ curiosity and intelligence.
  • In a zoo, the smart toys allow visitors to interact with the animals over a distance
  • The interactive toys make sure to not disturb the animals in their space and doesn’t put visitors in dangerous situations.

Social companion for children

  • A special application on a smartphone/tablet that shows a virtual friend that the child can keep with them in all experiences in the hospital.
  • The friend helps them with calming their anxiety, explaining medical procedures and keeping them company during lonely hours. 
  • The social companion can be used especially for long-term patients giving them the chance to bond.